Spring Equinox Sound Session
Sunday 22 September
3.00pm - 4.30pm | Tallai, Gold Coast
with refreshments afterwards
Spring is here once again, and the wheel of the year is turning to the Spring Equinox. We find ourselves standing on the threshold of rebirth and renewal.
We would love you to join us for some deeply rejuvenating and relaxing Spring Equinox sound vibrations. Come along and immerse yourself in the power of sound to enhance balance: body, mind and soul.
Enjoy deeper sleep and meditation, reduced stress, the relief of pain and a boost of creativity to match our new season.
The Spring Equinox is a time when day and night balance perfectly, and we are once again beckoned outside to take in the world around us. As the natural world wakes up, we too experience a rebirth, giving us more beautiful reasons to celebrate and set our intentions for the coming months.
Book your ticket today!
We look forward to seeing you.
Karen & Kerry
Spring has arrived early on the GC
What to bring, where to go and other important info:
Please bring: Blanket, pillow, bolster, (anything you need to be comfortable on the floor). Water
We have floor mats for everyone, however you are welcome to bring your yoga mat if you prefer.
Time: 3.00pm to 4.30pm
We will provide some refreshments afterwards if you would like to stay and connect with others and enjoy the dusk falling.
Where: Sky Temple, Tallai (address provided on booking)